Indiana 2022 Lower State House

Plan signed into law 10/4/21

Democratic Party

GEO score: 33

Newly competitive districts: 19, 88, 15, 5, 7, 32, 91, 4, 25, 93, 76, 46, 20, 39, 78, 24, 71, 84, 40, 72, 48, 85, 83, 38, 53, 35, 13, 75, 66, 59, 33, 54, 18

Auxiliary output files: #1, #2

Republican Party

GEO score: 13

Newly competitive districts: 62, 43, 27, 34, 26, 82, 80, 9, 89, 92, 97, 86, 14

Auxiliary output files: #1, #2

Calculations performed 3/2/23

Files used to compute the GEO metric

Edges file

JSON source: All About Redistricting
AAR sources: Redistricting Data Hub 
Retrieved 8/11/22

Outcomes file

Source: Dave's Redistricting App
DRA sources: Voting and Election Science Team
Retrieved 8/11/22